query face
  • Swaziland is a small kingdom between South Africa and Mozambique.
  • It is one of the world’s last absolute monarchies although it does have an elected Parliament.
  • There is a high respect for education and they have a literacy rate of 88%.
  • It is a member of the Commonwealth.
  • They have never had a war or apartheid.
  • They sent troops to serve with us in WWII.
  • They are a friendly and positive people.


  • It has the world’s HIGHEST incidence of Aids at 27.7%.  Many sufferers also have TB and are spreading drug resistant TB.
  • Some 175,000 people are on anti-HIV therapy out of a population of 1 million.
  • The life expectancy of women is around 30 years.
  • 42% of pregnant women are HIV+.
  • Many children are in a household where a child or grandparent is head of the household..
  • It is reckoned that 45% of children (229,000) are in child headed households.
  • Children who are vulnerable are often cared for by the grandparents or distant relatives.  However, when the elders die the children drop out of school.
  • There is a very high rate of teenage pregnancy and girls who become pregnant are not allowed to continue in school.
  • Abortion is a criminal offence.