2024 has proved to be a testing time for the charity. The aftereffects of COVID-19 still impact the country’s economy, with rising inflation, unemployment, and little inward investment. Our two centres are operating at maximum capacity, feeding and caring for circa 220 children every day of the year, meeting the charity’s main aims.

Our pre-schools at both centres are recognised as being places of educational excellence. Both centres received government awards of appreciation for their humanitarian and generous support for the orphaned and vulnerable children of Eswatini.
We are currently working with the Mbabane local authority extending existing projects to encourage self-sufficiency.
The beekeeping project established a number of years ago has been expanded, providing more hives and the facility to sell honey on a retail basis. This has been achieved with help from the Bees for Africa charity.
Vegetable gardening continues to provide food for the centres and the ability to sell by the roadside.
The sewing project is expanding significantly producing school uniforms, curtains and bed linen for a local hotel. We are exploring the provision of new premises to accommodate the growing business potential.

All these projects, whilst providing income for the community, also greatly help towards the costs of running the centres.
The charity continues to support children through school through sponsorship and assistance at the centres. This year, three students are studying catering, joinery, and plumbing, with a further student on placement at a local garage. This scheme enables non-academic children to fulfil their potential.
The year ended on a high for PIES when one of our children, Fisokuhle, achieved a 94% exam aggregate, earning 5th place in the country’s Junior Certificate exams.
A big thank you to all our donors in particular CMAD and Rotary – we couldn’t do this without your continued support!
Download: PIES Bulletin January 2025